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  3. COVID-19 Symptoms: Lambda Variant 

COVID-19 Symptoms: Lambda Variant 

Written by Ada’s Medical Knowledge Team

Updated on


  • The Lambda variant was primarily present in Latin America
  • Lambda symptoms resemble those of other strains of COVID-19
  • You can also get infected with the Lambda variant even if you’ve already been infected with other variants of the coronavirus
  • Lamba was a variant of interest for a while but is currently listed as a de-escalated variant 

Health organizations monitored Lambda variant symptoms closely as they noted a surge in infections by Lambda. Monitoring variants of the coronavirus closely is vital to follow up on their potential impact on public health. In this article, we’ll discuss the characteristics of the Lambda variant, the symptoms you may experience, and possible treatment options. 

What is the Lambda variant? 

Lambda is a variant of COVID-19 that was predominantly present in Peru and other regions of Latin America. Each time a virus multiplies, it can change a bit, leading to the existence of various variants of the same virus. For the coronavirus, the variants best known are Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Omicron, but there are also other variants, such as Lambda. 1

The mutations of the coronavirus have been tracked by scientists since the beginning of the pandemic and may or may affect how sick you’ll get or how fast the virus spreads. In the case of the Lambda variant, also listed by scientists as C.37, a change has been seen in the way that this variant of the coronavirus interacts with antibodies from vaccines, which is why health organizations such as the WHO monitored Lambda closely. After thorough monitoring, the WHO concluded that although the Lambda variant may be slightly resistant to vaccines, they’re still effective. 2 3 4

The WHO classified the Lambda variant as a previous variant of interest, which means that Lambda was identified as a variant with possible mutations that could affect how fast the virus spreads or how severe the symptoms are. After thorough monitoring, the WHO declared that Lambda no longer meets the criteria of a variant of interest, and today there are almost no more cases of the variant being reported. 5 6

What are the symptoms of the Lambda variant? 

The symptoms of the Lambda variant are very similar to those of other COVID-19 variants. Some people do not experience any symptoms. On the other hand, others may report some of the following: 7

The intensity of these symptoms varies between people. Some may experience mild symptoms, while others have severe symptoms and may need to be hospitalized.

How long do the Lambda COVID-19 variant symptoms last?

Some people only experience COVID-19 Lambda variant symptoms for a few days, whereas others can experience symptoms for weeks, months, or even years. If that is the case for you, then you might be suffering from long-COVID, a situation in which the symptoms of an infection with the coronavirus linger. 8

How can the Lambda variant be diagnosed? 

If you suspect that you may be infected with the coronavirus, then it’s advised to get tested. Genomic surveillance can be used to monitor the variants to verify which one you've been infected with. This means that the blueprint of the virus, called the RNA, will be analyzed. By looking into which parts are present and which aren’t, the CDC can assess whether or not you’ve been infected with a variant of concern. However, it's not standard practice to inform people about the exact coronavirus variant they have been infected with. 9

What is the usual treatment for Lambda? 

If you are experiencing symptoms of the Lambda variant, then it is advised to distance yourself from others, especially vulnerable people such as the elderly or people with underlying health conditions. 

Most people recover spontaneously from an infection with the Lambda variant without needing any therapy. You can, however, relieve your symptoms using home remedies such as: 10 11

  • Resting as much as possible
  • Taking a painkiller such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or naproxen
  • Making sure that you drink enough water 

Monitoring your symptoms is crucial, and it’s essential to reach out to your doctor for additional treatment if you experience any of the following: 12

  • Difficulty breathing while not physically active
  • Feeling extremely weak and struggling with basic tasks
  • You cannot stop shaking or shivering
  • Your symptoms are gradually getting worse
  • You continue to feel unwell for several weeks 

Wrapping up

With its high transmissibility and potential resistance to vaccines, the Lambda variant raised concerns amongst health experts, leading to further investigation and surveillance of its symptoms and characteristics. Currently, Lambda is listed as a de-escalated variant.

Lambda variant FAQs

Q: Where is the Lambda variant from? 
A: The Lambda variant was first identified in Peru, but has been detected in several countries since. This variant was predominantly present in Latin America.

Q: What is the new variant of coronavirus Lambda? 
A: Lambda is a variant of the coronavirus which was deemed a variant of previous interest after thorough monitoring. This means that the variant has been monitored for its potential impact on global health but has now been de-escalated.

Q: Which COVID-19 variant is named Lambda? 
A: Variant C.37 of the coronavirus first identified in Peru is named Lambda.

Q: Is the Lambda variant resistant to vaccines? 
A: The Lambda variant is more resistant to vaccines than other variants of the coronavirus, although scientific studies suggest that vaccines are still effective. 

Q: Is the COVID-19 Lambda variant more dangerous than Delta? 
A: The Lambda variant was first deemed a variant of interest, meaning it could make people very sick. However, at this point, it's classified as a previous variant of interest, and very few cases of the variant are reported.