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  3. COVID-19 without fever

COVID-19 without fever

Written by Ada’s Medical Knowledge Team

Updated on


  • It’s possible to have COVID-19 without a fever.
  • You’re still contagious if you have COVID-19 without a fever.
  • The treatment for COVID-19 without a fever is very similar to the treatment strategy for those who experience fever. 

COVID-19 without fever highlights the unpredictable nature of the condition. Even with the absence of this hallmark symptom, it’s still important to take the same measures as you would if you would experience a fever. This article will guide you through what to do if you have COVID-19 without a fever. 

Can you have COVID-19 without a fever?

Although fever is one of the most common presenting symptoms of an infection with the coronavirus, you can also have COVID-19 without a fever. If fever is present, it mainly occurs at the beginning of the infection. 

You can know whether or not you have a fever by checking your temperature. A normal temperature should be around 36-37°C (97-99°F). Generally speaking, a fever is a temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher. If you’re experiencing a fever, you may feel hot, shivery, and sweaty.1

Fever is part of the body’s defense mechanism against intruders such as the coronavirus. As the body temperature rises, the performance of the immune cells increases, and the virus itself gets debilitated.2

Some people experience COVID-19 without a fever or with a very low-grade fever. This happens especially with the newer variants such as Omicron. Generally, the symptoms of COVID-19 vary from case to case, and there’s quite an extensive list of possible symptoms. This means you can experience any of these symptoms or none at all and still be infected with the virus. 

How common is COVID-19 without a fever?

COVID-19 without a fever is quite common, especially with the newer variants. It’s essential to consider all the symptoms you’re experiencing to determine whether or not you may have been infected with the coronavirus. If you know you have been in contact with someone who tested positive or showed symptoms, then the only way to be sure you’ve been infected is by getting tested. 

You can check for an active infection with the coronavirus through a PCR test or an antigen test. Both require a swab from the back of the throat or the nose, which can then be analyzed.3

A low body temperature with COVID-19 is not that common, but it may occur. Read more about COVID-19 and low body temp in this article.

Is COVID-19 contagious without a fever?

COVID-19 without a fever is contagious. If you’ve tested positive for an infection with the coronavirus, then it’s recommended to quarantine for at least 5 days. After this, you should keep your distance from people at a high risk of developing severe symptoms for at least 5 more days, even if these people are vaccinated. 

The quarantine period counts from the day after the first day of experiencing symptoms. After these 5 days, you should follow government guidelines on what to do next. Keep current with the latest guidelines, as they may change according to the infection rate.4

Knowing whether or not you may end isolation after 5 days depends on your symptoms. The guidelines of the CDC mention that you may end isolation after day 5 if you have been fever-free for 24 hours. If you have COVID-19 without fever, then it’s crucial to check your other symptoms. If you haven’t experienced any symptoms, or if your symptoms have improved, then you can end isolation after day 5.4

How to treat COVID-19 without a fever?

The treatment of COVID-19 depends on whether or not you are at risk of severe illness due to the condition. Most people only experience mild to moderate symptoms and can rely on home remedies for COVID-19. These home remedies can help alleviate your symptoms while your immune system is fighting off the infection. It’s essential to:5

  • Rest as much as possible 
  • Stay hydrated

You can treat your COVID-19 symptoms with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs such as:

  • Paracetamol
  • Ibuprofen
  • Naproxen

If your COVID-19 infection is accompanied by a cough, then you can try:5

  • Sitting upright instead of lying on your back
  • Contacting your healthcare provider about possible cough medication or treatment

If you’re treating your COVID-19 infection with home remedies, then it’s vital to monitor your symptoms and to stay vigilant of your situation. You should contact your doctor if:5

  • You’re gradually feeling worse
  • You have difficulty breathing when standing upright
  • You feel very weak, and basic tasks feel too difficult
  • You’re shaking or shivering
  • You still feel unwell after a month 

If you’re at risk for severe symptoms due to the infection, then it’s crucial to contact your physician as soon as possible to determine whether you’re eligible for treatment. You should get treatment as quickly as possible for it to work.5

Wrapping up

COVID-19 without fever is challenging to detect, as fever is one of the main symptoms of an infection with the coronavirus. It’s essential to get tested if you’re experiencing other symptoms related to a COVID-infection, as you’re still contagious if you have COVID without a fever.

COVID-19 without a fever FAQs

Q: Can you have COVID-19 without a fever? 
A: The symptoms of COVID-19 depend from case to case, so you may not experience any fever. Notably, the most recent variants of COVID-19 can present without fever. 

Q: Can you spread COVID-19 without a fever? 
A: Even though you do not experience any fever, you can still spread COVID-19. 

Q: How contagious is COVID-19 without fever? 
A: If you have COVID-19 without a fever, you should take the same measures as those with a fever. The coronavirus is contagious in both cases.