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I’m experiencing issues with the Ada app. How can I fix it?

We love to hear from users, and we would like to know if Ada’s not functioning properly. We’d like to ask you to take a few quick steps, and if this doesn’t help you, please contact us.


  1. Make a screenshot or screen recording of the error that you experience.
  2. Close the app completely.
  3. Reopen the Ada app.
  4. Check that the app is updated to the latest version.

If these steps don’t fix the error, we’d like you to contact us so that we can investigate the problem and find a solution.

When you contact support, please explain:

  • What is the exact problem? Does Ada display an error message? If yes, can you send a screenshot or copy of the error? 
  • Check the App or Play stores for the latest version of the app. Which version are you using? Check ⚙️ (Settings) > About Ada.
  • What mobile device and operating system are you using? For example, Samsung Galaxy 7 with Android 12 or iPhone 8 with iOS 14.7.1.

The Ada support team is available Monday - Friday during business hours (Central Europe), except German holidays, and usually responds in 1-2 business days. 

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