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HIV symptoms in men

Written by Ada’s Medical Knowledge Team

Updated on


  • HIV symptoms in men can be present in the first and final stages of an HIV infection. The second stage could have a clinical latency phase as well as a symptomatic phase.
  • The early symptoms of HIV in men often resemble flu symptoms. 
  • With early diagnosis and treatment, most people can live a long and healthy life.

The signs and symptoms of HIV in men can vary according to the stage of the infection. As the symptoms are not always obvious early on, it's essential to know which signs can point to HIV. In this article, you’ll find a list of the possible symptoms you may experience after being infected. If you notice any of these signs and believe you may have been exposed to the virus, it's essential to talk to your healthcare provider as soon as possible. 

What are HIV symptoms in men?

HIV symptoms in men are symptoms that males can experience after being infected with HIV (the human immunodeficiency virus). HIV symptoms in men after 1 week can be different from HIV symptoms in men after 1 year, which is why it’s important to know the possible signs of the various stages of HIV and to understand what you should do when you notice any of these symptoms. The symptoms of HIV in men can be different according to the three stages of HIV: 1

  1. The acute stage of HIV in which the first symptoms of HIV in men can develop. These symptoms are usually flu-like. 
  2. The chronic stage of HIV in which there are no visible signs of an HIV infection. This stage can last for many years, in which you won’t notice anything of the infection. Throughout the chronic stage, the virus will continue to replicate and to cause damage to the immune system.
  3. AIDS is the final stage of an HIV infection. This stage is characterized by a severely damaged immune system. In this stage, the weakened immune system can lead to all kinds of infections which can cause symptoms that are different from the symptoms of the acute stage. 

The human immunodeficiency virus can cause damage to your immune system, which is a vital part of the body that protects you against everyday infections and diseases. Knowing your HIV status is important, as the virus can be transmitted from one person to another through various routes, including unprotected sexual contact, sharing needles, and from mother to child during childbirth or breastfeeding. An early diagnosis and the correct treatment can help you avoid the progression of the disease. 2

What are early HIV symptoms in men?

The early symptoms of HIV in men aren’t noticeable for everyone. Some people may have no signs of an infection at all, while others may develop flu-like symptoms. These may include: 3 4

These symptoms are caused by the reaction of the immune system to the intrusion of the virus into the body. The symptoms will usually develop for 2 to 4 weeks after an infection with HIV. It’s important to note that the symptoms of an early HIV infection are prevalent for other infections as well, so experiencing these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you’ve been infected. If you think that you have been exposed to HIV and you notice these symptoms, then it's important to get tested for an infection. 

If you are a woman, read here our article about HIV/AIDS symptoms in females.

What are late-stage symptoms of HIV in men?

After the chronic stage of HIV, in which you'll not experience any symptoms for a period of years, the condition can progress into AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). This is especially the case if you didn’t receive treatment for your infection in the earlier stages. Most people who follow their treatment plan stay healthy and can live long lives without progressing into the final stage of HIV. Some symptoms of AIDS are: 3

  • Weight loss
  • Fever that comes and goes
  • Night sweats
  • Extreme tiredness without any clear explanation 
  • Long-term swelling of the lymph nodes
  • Diarrhea
  • Sores which can be present on the mouth, anus, or genitals
  • Pneumonia
  • Red, brown or pink skin discoloration, which can also be visible inside the mouth, nose, or eyelids
  • Memory loss
  • Concentration issues
  • Depression
  • Dementia
  • Neurologic symptoms

Just like the early symptoms of HIV in men, these symptoms can also be caused by conditions that are not related to HIV. If you notice any of these symptoms and you think that you’ve been exposed to the virus, then It’s important to see your healthcare provider to get tested for HIV. 

How can you tell if your symptoms are caused by HIV?

If you experience any of the symptoms of HIV and you think that you may have been exposed to the virus, then it's important to get tested. This is the only way of determining whether or not your symptoms can be attributed to an HIV infection. It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider right away, as an early diagnosis of the infection can reduce your chances of falling severely ill and transmitting the virus to others. 2

Wrapping up

HIV symptoms in men can be observed during the initial and final stages of infection. The second stage may include both a period of clinical latency and a phase with symptoms. If you notice any of these symptoms and you think that you may have been exposed to the virus, then it is important to speak to your healthcare provider as soon as possible. An early diagnosis can help you get the appropriate treatment, which lowers your chances of falling severely ill. Knowing your HIV status is vital to stop the virus from transmitting to others as well. 


Q: How long does it take for HIV to show up in males? 
A: The first symptoms of HIV usually show up within 2 to 4 weeks after exposure to the virus.

Q: How long can you have HIV without knowing? 
A: You can have HIV without knowing for quite some time, as not everyone develops symptoms during the first phase of HIV. The chronic phase of HIV doesn’t cause any symptoms either, which means that in some cases, you won’t notice any symptoms for years. This stresses the importance of getting tested if you think that you may have been exposed to the virus.

Q: What are the first signs of HIV in a man? 
A: The first signs of HIV in a man are flu-like and can consist of various symptoms such as fever, night sweats, rash, mouth sores, painful muscles, fatigue, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes.