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  3. COVID-19 Symptoms: Deltacron Variant

COVID-19 Symptoms: Deltacron Variant

Written by Ada’s Medical Knowledge Team

Updated on


  • Deltacron is a recombinant virus, as it’s the result of a crossover between Delta and Omicron 
  • Deltacron symptoms are similar to those of the Omicron variant and mostly affect the upper respiratory tract
  • Deltacron is found in very low numbers, so it’s listed as a de-escalated variant

Deltacron symptoms have been closely monitored due to concerns about their potential impact on public health. As a super-variant, a mix between Delta and Omicron, public health organizations were concerned about the possible repercussions of this virus. In this article, we’ll discuss the origin of Deltacron, what we know about the symptoms that Deltacron causes and the current status of this variant. 

What is Deltacron? 

The original coronavirus has mutated various times since the onset of the pandemic, which led to the circulation of multiple strains of the virus. In January 2022, a new variant was identified in France, which is believed to be a super variant, combining Delta and Omicron variants. Scientists combined Delta and Cron to name the variant Deltacron, also known as XD. 1

Deltacron is known as a recombinant virus, which means that it came into existence as 2 different variants of the coronavirus infected one person at the same time, which causes the genomes (the genetic materials present in the virus) of both variants to combine when the virus replicates itself. The result of this process is a new variant slightly different from both parent lineages. 2

As with all new variants of the coronavirus, the WHO meticulously follows up to see if this new variant imposes a threat on human health. To map the dangers of a strain of the coronavirus, all variants get classified according to their potential for increased circulation, the ability to replace prior variants, and the need for adjustments to public health measures. Based on these characteristics, variants of the coronavirus can be divided into: 3 4

  • Variants of concern, viruses with evidence of an increase in transmissibility or disease severity.
  • Variants of interest, which are viruses that have mutated in such a way that there may be an increase in transmissibility or disease severity
  • Variants under monitoring, Variants under monitoring, which are variants that may have an increase in transmissibility or disease severity, but the evidence needs to be stronger or be adequately assessed.
  • De-escalated variants, which have been de-escalated as they're no longer circulating, no longer impact the overall situation of COVID-19 or aren't associated with any concerning health problems. 

Health authorities have monitored this new crossover between Delta and Omicron from March 2022 onwards for its potential effect on global health. It has now been deemed a de-escalated variant, as it's no longer being detected.

What are the symptoms of Deltacron? 

Deltacron symptoms are quite similar to those of Omicron and mainly affect the upper airway tract. This means that common symptoms of Deltacron include, but are not limited to: 5 6

  1. Headaches
  2. Sore throat
  3. Congested or runny nose
  4. A new persistent cough with sudden onset 
  5. A high temperature
  6. Fatigue without a clear cause
  7. Body aches 

Studies indicate that Deltacron causes mild disease with symptoms comparable to the flu or the common cold. However, monitoring your symptoms and contacting your general physician if your symptoms gradually worsen is recommended.

How long do Deltacron symptoms persist? 

The duration of Deltacron symptoms can vary widely from person to person, ranging from a few days to several weeks. How long the symptoms of Deltacron last can depend on age, underlying health conditions, immune status, and vaccination status. 

In some cases, Deltacron and, generally, COVID-19 symptoms can persist for longer. If that is the case, you might be suffering from long-COVID and should contact your physician.

Diagnosing Deltacron

If you are experiencing Deltacron symptoms, it’s advised to get tested for the coronavirus and avoid contact with others, especially those who are more vulnerable. A PCR test is most suited to diagnose whether or not you’ve been infected with the virus.

How can the Deltacron variant symptoms be treated? 

Treatment of Deltacron symptoms depends on the severity of the symptoms. Most cases of this variant tend to have a mild course, so home treatment can help you relieve your symptoms. This consists of: 7 8

  • Pain medication such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or naproxen 
  • Taking rest
  • Drinking enough water, especially if you have a fever
  • Sitting upright instead of lying down and taking cough medicine in case your symptoms include a cough

If you are feeling gradually worse or if you need advice on medication, then you should contact your doctor. 

Wrapping up

The symptoms of Deltacron are mostly comparable to those of Omicron and usually last a few days to a few weeks. With the help of home remedies, you can keep your symptoms under control and feel better. Deltacron is currently a de-escalated variant, so the chances of getting infected with this variant are relatively low.  

Deltacron variant FAQs

Q: What are the symptoms of the new Deltacron variant? 
A: The symptoms of the Deltacron variant are very similar to those of an infection with Omicron and may include headaches, a runny or congested nose, a sore throat, a cough, and a fever.

Q: Is there a Deltacron variant?
A: The Deltacron variant isn’t as widespread as other variants of COVID-19 and is currently deemed a de-escalated variant.

Q: Is Deltacron a variant of concern? 
A: Deltacron is not listed as a variant of concern as it doesn’t fit the criteria for an increase in transmissibility and disease severity. 

Q: Is Deltacron more infectious?
A: Research suggests that Deltacron isn’t more infectious than other variants of the coronavirus. 

Q: What are some facts about Deltacron? 
A: Deltacron originated in France in January 2022 as a combination of the Delta and Omicron variants. This variant has been monitored closely but is now listed as a de-escalated variant due to its low occurrence.

Q: Is Deltacron more transmissible? 
A: Deltacron doesn’t get transmitted more easily than other variants of the coronavirus.