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  3. COVID-19: New Variants in 2024

COVID-19: New Variants in 2024

Written by Ada’s Medical Knowledge Team

Updated on

Overview: what strain of COVID is going around in 2024?

  • New variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, will continue to occur through mutations.
  • The new COVID-19 variants can bind more quickly to cells, making them more transmissible.
  • Symptoms of the new variants are similar to previous Omicron variants.
  • Currently, there are over 26 variants of the original COVID-19 strain.

COVID-19 has significantly impacted the world since its outbreak in 2019. Although vaccines have been developed and distributed globally, the virus continues to mutate, posing a challenge to public health officials worldwide. In 2024, the world is still grappling with the pandemic. That’s because viruses and pathogens constantly adapt and change. This article explains the dominant variants of COVID-19 in 2024, their symptoms, and who is at risk. 

What are the dominant COVID-19 variants in 2024?

As of January 2024, 99% of the variants currently circulating in the USA are mutations of the Omicron strain.1

Since its emergence, the Omicron variant has constantly changed its genetic and antigenic properties. Omicron and its variants have evaded the immune response generated by previous infections or vaccinations, meaning that people can still become infected despite having some immunity. Additionally, Omicron variants tend to infect the upper respiratory tract (for example, the nose and throat) more than previous variants like Delta, which infect the lower respiratory tract (for example, the lungs).

Find out more about Omicron vs. Delta variant symptoms in this article.

As of January 2024, the dominant variant of COVID-19 is EG.5, nicknamed Eris. This variant causes an estimated 24.5% of all COVID-19, which is expected to grow in the coming weeks. The second most prevalent is FL 1.5.1, nicknamed Fornax, which accounts for 13.7% of all cases. XBB.1.16, nicknamed Arcturus, has decreased in circulation and is now the cause for 10.2% of all cases in the US.1

As new variants hold mutations that may cause a threat to public health, public health organizations are continuously monitoring COVID-19 cases all over the world. The WHO is currently tracking several variants, including:2

  • Variants of interest: XBB 1.5, XBB 1.16 and EG.5.
  • Variants under monitoring: BA.2.75, BA.2.86, CH1.1., XBB, XBB.1.9.1, XBB.1.9.2 and XBB.2.3. 

What are the symptoms of the dominant COVID-19 variants in 2024?

There’s no evidence yet to suggest that people infected with any of the new variants, such as EG.5 or FL.1.5.1, experience more severe symptoms than we’ve seen with previous Omicron variants. The most common symptoms still include a mild runny nose, headache, cough, and sore throat. 

Observational data suggests that people infected with XBB.1.16 may be more likely to experience conjunctivitis, or pink eye, as a symptom of their COVID-19 infection.3 These symptoms could precede a positive COVID-19 test, and symptoms could be mild or moderate for the duration of the illness.

How many strains of COVID-19 are there in 2024?

There are many different strains of the coronavirus present in 2024. That’s because as a virus spreads, it can change and adapt to survive. As genetic changes happen over time, the virus that causes COVID-19 begins to form genetic lineages. The SARS-CoV-2 virus can be mapped out similarly to a family tree.

4 years into the virus, there are now over 26 variants of the original COVID-19 strain.1 To prioritize resources and monitoring, the World Health Organization categorizes strains as variants in 3 categories: variants of concern (VOC), variants of interest (VOI), and variants under monitoring (VUM).

The chart below outlines the major strains circulating as of January 11, 2024.2

WHO Variant Category


Variant Names

Variants of Concern

A variant of SARS-CoV-2 that satisfies the VOI definition (as defined below) and is evaluated through a risk assessment conducted by WHO TAG-VE may be classified as a VOC with moderate or high confidence if it meets any of the following criteria when compared to other variants:

  • Results in a detrimental change in the severity of clinical disease; OR
  • Causes a change in COVID-19 epidemiology, leading to a considerable impact on the capacity of health systems to provide care to patients with COVID-19 or other illnesses, necessitating major public health interventions; OR
  • Results in a significant reduction in the effectiveness of available vaccines in protecting against severe disease.


Variants of Interest

A variant of SARS-CoV-2 is considered to pose an emerging risk to global public health if it meets the following conditions:

  • It has genetic changes that are expected or proven to impact virus characteristics, including but not limited to transmissibility, virulence, susceptibility to therapeutics, antibody evasion, and detectability.
  • It’s identified to have a competitive edge over other currently circulating variants in at least 2 WHO regions, with its prevalence increasing significantly over time and showing apparent epidemiological impacts that indicate an emerging risk to global public health.



Variants Under Monitoring

A SARS-CoV-2 variant that is suspected of having genetic changes impacting virus characteristics and is displaying early signals of growth advantage when compared to other circulating variants. For example, globally or in a specific WHO region. Thus, it's deemed to require enhanced monitoring and reassessment pending new evidence. Although evidence of its phenotypic or epidemiological impact is currently unclear, its potential implications necessitate constant surveillance to determine its actual impact.




What is the latest COVID-19 variant?

The latest COVID-19 variants are Eris, Fornax, and Arcturus. Both Eris and Fornax share a mutation, which helps them spread faster than other variants. However, there's currently no evidence that these variants would cause more severe symptoms than other variants we've seen in the past. Arcturus also has an increased risk of transmissibility and the possibility of escaping our immune response.3 

Another highly mutated strain on the rise is BA.2.86, nicknamed Pirola. At this point, there are not a lot of cases caused by this variant yet, but due to the high number of mutations on key parts of this virus, scientists and the WHO are keeping a close eye on this mutation. The CDC assessed this variant and concluded that the current existing tests used to detect the coronavirus and medications used to treat COVID-19 seem to be effective with this variant. 

It's thought that Pirola may cause infection in people who are vaccinated or have previously had a COVID infection due to its high number of mutations. Data on the severity and transmission of this variant are still being investigated.3 4

Is there a test that tells the variant?

Multiple tests can detect the COVID-19 virus, but not all can differentiate between the variants. To accurately determine the variant of COVID-19, you must undergo a laboratory test that identifies the virus's genetic sequence. This is usually a PCR or sequencing test and requires a sample of respiratory material from a nasal or throat swab. The sample is sent to a laboratory, where technicians conduct the necessary tests to identify the virus’s genetic sequence and determine the specific variant of COVID-19 present. These variant differentiation tests are not routinely done. Instead, they only provide valuable information for public health officials to monitor the spread of different variants.

Additionally, false negative results are possible with any molecular test used to detect SARS-CoV-2, especially if a mutation occurs in the part of the virus' genome that the test examines. Mutations in the viral genome can also affect viral proteins, and consequently, the performance of antigen or serology tests may also be impacted.5

What groups are at risk with the new COVID-19 variants?

In 2024, the high-risk groups for COVID-19 remain the same as in previous years. These include the elderly, individuals with underlying health conditions, and those with compromised immune systems. However, younger individuals may also be at risk, particularly if they’re unvaccinated or have underlying health conditions.

The best way to protect against new variants is to be vaccinated and boosted. Those who are at high risk and those who have not had a booster shot or a COVID-19 infection in the last 4 to 6 months should make a plan to get a shot.

How might symptoms change in the future?

As COVID-19 continues to mutate, the symptoms may change in the future. For example, when Omicron emerged, patients reported eye symptoms such as conjunctivitis and red and burning eyes, which were not often seen in prior strains of the virus.

It’s possible that new variants may cause more severe symptoms or affect different parts of the body. However, it’s difficult to predict exactly how symptoms may change as the virus mutates in 2024 and beyond.

Wrapping up

COVID-19 remains a global health concern in 2024, with the XBB.1.5 variant remaining the dominant strain. The symptoms of the XBB.1.5 variant are similar to those of previous strains. High-risk groups for COVID-19 remain the same as last year, and it's essential to continue taking preventative measures, such as vaccinations and mask-wearing when in large crowds.


Q: Will the current vaccine protect me against the 2024 COVID-19 variants?
A: The bivalent booster can train your immune system to identify both the initial 2020 virus strain and the new BA.5 Omicron variant. While the effectiveness of the antibodies from the bivalent shot against the XBB.1.5 variant is yet to be determined, the T cell immunity provided by the booster should still offer protection against severe illness in case of infection.

Q: What is the new COVID-19 variant?
A: The XBB.1.16 subvariant of COVID-19, also known as Arcturus, is the latest COVID variant of interest. It’s a subvariant of the highly contagious Omicron variant.

Q: How can you tell which strain of COVID-19 you have?
A: The only way to accurately determine which strain of COVID-19 you have is through a laboratory test that explicitly identifies the virus’s genetic sequence. This is typically done through a diagnostic test known as a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) or a sequencing test. These tests are usually conducted on a sample of respiratory material, such as a nasal or throat swab. Once the sample is collected, it’s sent to a laboratory where technicians will conduct the appropriate tests to determine the genetic sequence of the virus and identify the specific strain of COVID-19 present.

Q: Why are there so many variants of COVID-19?
A: As viruses replicate and spread among a population, they undergo mutations or changes. RNA-based viruses, such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for COVID-19 and influenza, mutate more frequently than DNA-based viruses. Whenever the SARS-CoV-2 virus replicates, there’s a chance for it to change. However, not all mutations affect the virus's ability to spread or cause disease because they do not alter the crucial proteins involved in transmission and infection.

Q: When is the new COVID-19 variant most contagious?
A: Individuals are believed to be most contagious at the beginning of their illness. For Omicron, most transmission seems to occur in the 1-2 days leading up to the onset of symptoms and within the 2-3 days after. Additionally, people without any symptoms can also spread the coronavirus to others.

Q: Where is the new COVID-19 variant spreading?
A: The XBB.1.16 subvariant of COVID-19, also known as Arcturus, has been found in at least 37 countries since April 27, causing a surge in COVID-19 cases in Southeast Asia. It's also gaining prevalence in the US, Australia, Singapore, Libya, Iran, Kuwait, and Qatar.