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You don't have any ads in the app. How do you make money?

We believe that everyone should have access to quality, personalized health information and care, which is why Ada’s assessment technology is free to anyone with a smartphone. We partner with government institutions, companies and other industry stakeholders and have received grants such as the EU's Horizon 2020 Programme. 

No personal or health data has been sold to third parties or shared for any commercial purpose. Ada does not share your data with anyone unless you explicitly tell us to do so. We are funded through private investment, as well as commercial relationships with several health systems, insurers, and life science companies to provide services for their users. Ada also receives funding from charitable foundations (including The Rockefeller Foundation; The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Fondation Botnar) to improve access to care, practitioner quality and universal coverage in low and middle-income countries. Ada has also received grants from government programs (inc. World Health Organization; World Economic Forum, European Commission).

You can read some more info about our most recent funding round here (external link).

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