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I received an email that seems to be Phishing, what can I do?

Never send sensitive information via email, instant messaging, or social media, even if it seems trustworthy. Instead, use our contact form to reach Ada securely. Beware of imposters sending emails that seem to be from Ada but are not connected to us. Genuine Ada emails always come from the “ada.com” domain.

How does this happen?

Scammers pose as trusted entities to trick you into sharing private information through emails, websites, or social media posts. These fraudulent communications closely resemble official channels and can easily deceive you. Here are 6 things you can do:

  1. Check the URL before clicking links. Ensure it starts with https:// and leads to *.ada.com.
  2. Reply directly to Ada emails, as they always originate from the “ada.com” domain. 
  3. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or sharing personal data.
  4. Double-check the website's authenticity for typos and look for the Extended Validation Certificate. This usually looks like a lock next to the URL, and if you click on it, you can validate the certification and confirm that the site you are on is actually Ada’s. 
  5. Most importantly, stay alert. Use a strong password on your account. You can always reset your Ada password

If you realize that you have fallen for an online scam attempt, immediately reset your Ada password and forward the full message along with the email headers to [email protected].

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