Functional Dyspepsia
Written by Ada’s Medical Knowledge Team
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This article contains self-care information for the selected condition. If you have questions or need more comprehensive treatment advice, please consult a medical professional.
What is functional dyspepsia (indigestion)?
Functional dyspepsia, also known as non-ulcer dyspepsia or indigestion, is a term used todescribe a group of symptoms affecting the gastrointestinal tract, including stomach pain or discomfort, nausea, bloating and belching. 1 The condition is diagnosed when no obvious cause can be found for the symptoms present, though a small percentage of cases are caused by infection with the germ Helicobacter pylori. 2
It is the most common form of dyspepsia and results in no serious consequences. 3 The symptoms of the condition can often be long lasting but are manageable through a combination of lifestyle changes and medication.
Dyspepsia symptoms
Indigestion is characterized by a group of symptoms affecting the gastrointestinal tract, including: 4
- Pain or discomfort in the chest or upper abdomen, usually after eating, eating too quickly eating a heavy meal
- Bloating of the stomach
- Excessive belching
- Heartburn
- Feeling full quickly and easily
- A feeling of extreme fullness after eating
- Nausea
Symptoms of indigestion will typically vary in severity from person to person and can often be vague and unpredictable. Individuals may not experience all of the dyspeptic symptoms, though most will experience more than one. 5 The Ada app can help you check your symptoms. Download the free app or find out more about how it works.
Causes of functional dyspepsia (indigestion)
Functional dyspepsia is indigestion with no clear cause (such as an ulcer, gastritis or acid reflux). The gastrointestinal tract of individuals who have been diagnosed with the disorder will appear healthy.
Despite this, there are certain triggers which may bring on or worsen the symptoms of the condition. They include:
- Smoking and alcohol 6
- Obesity
- Stress and anxiety
- Infection with the germ Helicobacter pylori (not all people with the condition will have Helicobacter pylori in their stomach, and many people with the Helicobacter pylori germ will experience no symptoms)
- Impairment of the stomach muscles, leading to slowed emptying of the stomach into the duodenum (first segment of the small intestine)
- Roughly one in three people with the disorder also experience irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The cause of IBS, however, is unknown, meaning that the possible link between IBS and indigestion has not yet been properly established
Diagnosing functional dyspepsia (indigestion)
Diagnosing functional dyspepsia involves ruling out other conditions that may be causingthe dyspeptic symptoms. Tests to check for conditions such as stomach ulcers, stomach cancer and gallstones must first return negative before a diagnosis can be given. This will usually involveundergoing a gastroscopy (endoscopy), a procedure in which a doctor will pass a smalltelescopic camera through the mouth and into the gastrointestinal tract for examination.
If the digestive system appears normal (free of ulcers, for example), a diagnosis of functional dyspepsia can be given. Blood tests, as well as tests to check for the presence of Helicobacter pylori, may also be useful in diagnosing the disorder. 7
Functional dyspepsia treatment
Functional dyspepsia cannot be fully cured, but its symptoms can be successfully managed through lifestyle changes, medication, or a combination of the two.
Lifestyle changes may include: 8
- Reducing, managing or removing any causes of ongoing stress and anxiety
- Avoiding food and drinks which make the symptoms worse (caffeinated drinks or fatty food, for example)
- Eating small, frequent meals as opposed to fewer, larger meals
- Losing weight if overweight
- Cutting down or giving up alcohol and tobacco
If lifestyle changes do not help to improve the symptoms, there arealso a variety of medicines that can be effective in treating the symptoms of the condition:
- Medication to reduce acid in the stomach: Common medications which work in this wayinclude antacids, proton pump inhibitors (such as omeprazole, lansoprazole and rabeprazole)and histamine blockers (such as ranitidine).
- Helicobacter pylori treatment: If a Helicobacter pylori infection is present, treatingthis with antibiotics may help to improve the symptoms.
- Pain medication: Some medications which are usually used to treat depression or paincan be used at low doses to treat functional dyspepsia. These can be helpful even for peoplewho are not depressed.
Other names for functional dyspepsia
- Idiopathic dyspepsia
- Indigestion
- Non-ulcer dyspepsia
Functional dyspepsia (indigestion) FAQs
Q: Can children be affected by functional dyspepsia?
A: Yes, pediatric functional dyspepsia is fairly common. In children, the symptoms arethe same as in adults, and can be treated in a similar way. However, some medications maybe unsuitable for use on children, making it important to discuss treatment methods forchildren with a doctor or pharmacist. Around half of all children with functional dyspepsiawill begin to feel better within a few weeks. Some children, however, may have symptoms whichlast for a number of months. 9
Q: Can functional dyspepsia be cured?
A: There is no cure for functional dyspepsia. Most people manage their symptoms wellwith lifestyle changes and medications. Treating Helicobacter pylori (if present in thestomach) may significantly reduce the symptoms. The symptoms of the condition can be variable, and may eventually occur much less frequently or go away completely.
Q: Are there any further health implications to having functional dyspepsia?
A: Functional dyspepsia is not linked to serious illnesses such as stomach cancer.
Q: How long does indigestion last?
A: Functional dyspepsia is a persistent condition that is not associated with any seriouscomplications, such as stomach ulcers or stomach cancer. Most people find their symptoms will come and go over time, depending on factors such as stress, lifestyle changes or other triggers.Most will also be able to manage their symptoms effectively, and some people may find thatthe symptoms eventually go away completely. 10
Q: When should I see a doctor?
A: Individuals experiencing one or more of the symptoms of functional dyspepsia shouldsee a doctor at their earliest convenience. Based on a physical examination, a doctor willbe able to make a diagnosis and offer treatment options.
People belonging to the following groups should pay particular attention to symptoms, whichmay be an indication of a more serious condition: 11
- People aged over 50
- People with a family history of digestive malignancy
- People who have previously had gastric surgery
People who experience any of the following symptoms should seek medical attention as a matterof urgency, as they may indicate a more serious condition:
- Involuntary weight loss
- Anemia or iron deficiency
- Recurrent vomiting
- Jaundice
- Blood in the vomit
- Stool that is dark, tarry or contains blood
- Shortness of breath
- Severe pain in the neck, jaw or arms
If any of these occur, it is important to see a doctor as a matter of urgency. If you are concerned that you or someone you know may be ill, you can do a free symptom assessment using the Ada app at any time.