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Does Ada act as a medical device?

Ada’s solutions (including our mobile consumer app and web browser variants) are not intended to provide a medical diagnosis or to serve as a replacement for competent medical advice. Our intended purpose statement explains that Ada is intended solely to enable users to enter symptoms and other health information for the purposes of using medical intelligence and probabilistic reasoning to identify possible causes for health findings and provides information about possible next steps, including the need for medical support.

While the assessment reports provided through our solutions can be used to facilitate relevant discussions between our users and their healthcare professionals, Ada is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional nor does it provide clinical decision support. Therefore, we strongly caution users not to base healthcare decisions on information provided by Ada, and recommend users to follow their healthcare professional’s advice. We also provide ‘safety netting’ information throughout the assessments, reminding users to seek advice from a healthcare professional sooner if their symptoms persist, worsen, or change.

We take our responsibility to provide safe medical information very seriously. As outlined above, we have multiple systems that ensure assessments are as safe as possible. Though, as outlined above we caution users not to base healthcare decisions on information provided by Ada. If users report concerns about the information they received from us, we have an open and transparent approach to reviewing these assessments, identifying if there was a problem and updating our products to reduce the chances of a similar event recurring. Our robust and responsive post-market surveillance system allows us to continuously monitor the safety of our products and is a central pillar of our commitment to continuous improvement.

Ada's consumer app is a Class Iia medical device under EU-MDR standards.

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